How to De-Stress During the Holidays

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December and all its holiday celebrations are here, but all of that can sometimes combine to make you feel overwhelmed and overstressed. But you don’t have to feel that way all season long. Read this week’s Collegiate Communities blog for ways you can de-stress during the holidays, in your own apartment or in other places around West Lafayette, IN.


Treat yourself.

The holidays often turn our focus outside of ourself and onto others, which is great. But remember to take care of yourself so you can feel renewed enough to actually do everything for others that’s on your to-do list. Whether you take a bubble bath, go to a fancy restaurant for a nice dinner just for you, or do something else for yourself that you might always push aside because it’s a “luxury,” do something, and allow yourself to enjoy it. You’ll feel refreshed and ready for the rest of the month’s tasks when you do.


Watch a movie.

Get pumped for the holidays by watching your favorite holiday movie (or reading a book, if you’d rather do that). The great thing about watching movies is if you want to, you can also stay productive by wrapping gifts, addressing envelopes, assembling treats, or doing some other chore while you watch. The movie takes your mind off the tediousness that sometimes comes with the chore and makes the time pass quickly so you’re done with some tasks before you even know it!


Make a holiday drink.

There’s nothing quite like cozying up in your toasty warm apartment with a cup of hot chocolate while the chilly West Lafayette, IN, weather rages on. Try this slow cooker gingerbread latte recipe or this Nutella hot chocolate one for festive twists on these delectable winter drinks. Invite friends over to enjoy your concoction with or lounge on your sofa with the company of just a book to take in the warmth and beauty of life at Collegiate Communities.


What are your favorite ways to de-stress during the holidays? Let us know in the comments so the rest of us can benefit! Thanks for reading, and happy holidays!